Saturday, March 5, 2011

Organizing Coupons: Grouping and Categorizing

Have you ever waited in line behind a family of four shopping with coupons? I picture a wife sifting through her Coach purse searching for the "25% off your total purchase" coupon while the rest of the family awkwardly waits.

I've done something similar to this several times, and although most people don't take too long to find their coupon, keeping your coupons organized will help you to save everyone's time. Keeping your coupons organized for the time-saving aspect isn't the biggest motivation for me however. I have a tendency to forget that I have a coupon for a specific product; and I tend to forgot to use all of the discounts I qualify for. I have listed a couple of suggestions to help us make the most of our coupons.

Ways to Categorize Coupons
  •  Date of expiration. Coupons can be grouped together by the day, week, month or even year of expiration. To decide how to organize your coupons by date of expiration determine how often you shop  or are willing to make your purchase. If you are willing to purchase items daily, organize by day. However, if you do all your shopping on one or two days of the month, organize by month. Make sure to include an easily seen label so you don't allow the entire category of coupons to expire.
  • Importance. If a coupon provides a discount for an item that you purchase often or if it is an item you consider a "need." Grouping coupons by importance will help you to get your important products at a discount.
  • Item. Categorize your coupons like a department store. All clothing coupons together, all grocery coupons together, all entertainment coupons together and so on.
  • Value. Many times the value of the coupon determines how likely I am to use it. Categorize large discount coupons together (i.e. all 50% off coupons). Also, you can categorize by a range of discount (i.e. all coupons between $1-3).
  • Venue. Organize you coupons by store or website. All Macy's coupons together and all Amazon coupons/discounts together.
    Remember, each one of these categories can be combined, simplified, or "complexified." As with most methods of organization, it is best to organize your coupons in a way that you will work best with. You may like the idea of categorzing your coupons by value, but it might be more practical for you to organize it by store.

    If you have any idea's or ways you organize your coupons/discount-deals post a comment!

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