Monday, February 21, 2011

It's So Not Me

I decided to start a blog. I guess wedding planning actually has gotten to me. Or maybe my recent change in sleeping habits is the culprit. Either way, I have conformed; I will now "blog" A L L about my life.

Eh, ok, I don't think I'll blog too much about my life-life; more like, I will blog about the things that keep running through my mind.

I never considered myself the blogging type (whatever the "blogging type" is), and that leads me to an interesting thought. Most of the time when I hear that phrase ("I never considered myself ________") or something along that line, it is because the person has recently surprised themselves by doing that which they never thought they would. "It's SO not me!"

Surprise! It is you! It just goes to show how intricate human beings are. We surprise even our own-selves with new personality traits and flaws throughout our lives.

Just to make it clear, this blog isn't going to be about me going through some half-way-to-mid-life-crisis-self-discovery blog.

It's more like my own virtual bubble where I can stop, take a deep breath, and get some fresh air.

I guess I could add: "and let out some hot air." You know, "full of hot air"... get it...?

My next post should be more about the "topics" I will be expecting myself to write about. :]

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